Providing basic needs for women escaping violence

Providing basic needs for women escaping violence
Providing basic needs for women escaping violence
Providing basic needs for women escaping violence
Providing basic needs for women escaping violence
Thread Together and Goodman Foundation



Women and Children fleeing domestic violence often have minimal access to clothing or essential items – a need addressed by Australian and US charities

The Goodman Foundation is a key partner supporting the launch of Thread Together’s new wardrobe and capsule service, which is placing 100 wardrobes of new clothes and sleepwear into women’s refuges nation-wide. Goodman people regularly volunteer to sort clothes in readiness before distribution to people in need through a national network of charities and social service agencies.

We also work with Women’s Community Shelters (WCS) to support one of the most marginalised and at-risk groups in Australia:  women with on temporary visas who are homeless after fleeing violence. The Foundation has supported WCS for three years and, in that time, we have helped 103 women and 77 children providing shelter, case management and financial assistance for women and their children to stay in crisis and transitional accommodation. The program covers immediate costs such as health, transport, childcare or rental subsidies. 

In the US, we have supported the work of Friends and Helpers Foundation for over six years. They provide essentials for women and children who have fled domestic violence. Each year, Goodman volunteers our premises and our people, and their families, for a day of packing school supplies into backpacks, so children are happy and prepared for their first day back at school.