Decarbonising our developments

Decarbonising our developments
Decarbonising our developments
Decarbonising our developments
Decarbonising our developments
Southend Lane brownfield development Alexandria



Goodman’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions means looking at the embodied carbon in building materials

Buildings are predominantly steel and concrete. 39% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions are estimated as coming from the building industry.

That’s largely due to embodied carbon – the hidden emissions created during the construction of buildings.  Concrete and steel are carbon intensive to produce, plus there are emissions involved in their transportation, installation and disposal, as well as in the demolition process.

Goodman’s sustainability commitment encourages recovering, reusing and rethinking our approach to building materials. We measure the embodied carbon on every new development and encourage our leaders to know their products and where they come from.

Goodman achieved carbon neutrality in operations four years ahead of its 2025 target. But our ambition is to reduce embodied carbon in our buildings.